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Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is one of the cool Shin Megami Tensei games. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse  Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse released worldwide by December 9. 2016.
  2. The first available recorded run was done by ChampionBeef on 2017/09/03 with a time of 10:54:46
  3. 7 months later, fellow speedrunner and router Koolzo achieved a new world record with a time of 9:53:50 that he would later improve to an almost sub 7 time of 7:09:42 on 2021/05/16, showcasing the potential of this run.
  4. The current world record is held by Freedom_Pulse with a time of 7:05:06. The potential for a sub 7h run is still up for grabs.




Glitches & Tricks

Skill Swap The glitch is only possible with the MC, Nanashi. Open up the party status screen on a demon adjacent to MC, then hit R to open up their skills. Quickly press left/right on the d-pad and Y in short succession, and the demon’s skills should show up on MC. Then confirm and MC has all the skills of that demon, even if he doesn’t have enough the skill slots. The hidden skills can be used regardless of being visible as they are still in effect, but only show up in battle and cannot get their potentials upgraded from whispers, so it is best to put passive skills in the last few skill slots.

The possibly swapped skills includes passive skills that MC is normally unable to obtain. Some have been found to not work (XP Increasing skills) but all Pleromas appear to do so. Moreover, when Nanashi copies a skill that is not negative potential, he gets the skill but with one less potential. If the skill has a negative potential, the affinity is falsely displayed as +9 , despite actually being +0 and it is not upgradeable.

If Nanashi copies skills that he cant normally get, like Combat Tara or Cough, he will just have them at +0, being unable to increase their potential.
