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Jack Bros.

Jack Bros. is a game released for the Virtual Boy in 1995. The game is played in an overhead style similar to the Gauntlet series. Jack Bros. Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Jack Bros. was released in Japan on September 29, 2005.
  2. On 2017/01/08, the first ever recorded run was done by SomeGirl with a time of 25:35
  3. On 2017/04/21, Witchs_Hex achieved a new world record with a time of 23:41
  4. 3 years later, on 2020/11/21, swordsmankirby beat the world record with a time of 23:23
  5. The current world record is held by SmoothColaPepsi with a time of 22:34


Beat the Game - Jacks

Beat the Game - Pixie

Hard Mode - Jacks

Hard Mode - Pixie

Glitches & Tricks

Unlock Hard Mode At the title screen use the left control pad to press Right (6), Left (3), Right (6)

Unlock Pixie Enter 4649 at the password screen and confirm by holding L + R + Select + A


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