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Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner is the first entry in the Devil Summoner series. Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Devil Summoner was released in Japan on December 22, 2005.
  2. The first recorded speedrun was done by sioneus on 2021/08/25 with a time of 3:10:57 later improved to 2:39:09
  3. On 2023/12/22, ToxicTT showcased his new manip route and obtained a time of 1:4912
  4. The current world record is held by ToxicTT done on 2024/06/12 with a time of 1:22:09


Any% - PSP

Complete the game as fast as possible. Step manip is allowed.

Any% - Sega Saturn

Complete the game as fast as possible.

Glitches & Tricks

One-way door skip

If you save in front of a one-way door and reload the game, you can pass through it.

