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Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei II

Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II is the second entry in Atlus's Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei series. This entry improved on the mechanics of the first game, adding features such as the Auto-Pilot and an overworld to navigate. Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei II Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II was released in Japan on April 6, 1990.
  2. The first known recorded run that is still available is by Biim with a time of 5:22:22 set on 2012/08/15
  3. The current world record is held by akiyabo with a time of 3:46:26.



Completes the game, getting the good ending by defeating YHVH. Usage of any glitches is allowed.

Glitched (No Auto-pilot bug)

Completes the game, getting the good ending by defeating YHVH. Auto-pilot bug is not allowed.


Completes the game, getting the good ending by defeating YHVH. No glitches are allowed.

Glitches & Tricks

Astaroth Castle Warp If you meet with Balam in Shibuya with under 7 Wisdom then use Taestro and talk to the receptionist again, you will somehow end up in Astaroth’s Castle. This bug causes some issues that need to be worked around. For example, you must have the party filled after killing Astaroth and you must kill Heroine before you leave the castle.

Auto-Pilot Bug If you set an auto-pilot location and then being returning to the location you have the option to cancel it before you reach the initial location. By cancelling it this way you will be able to walk around feely but with no encounters for the entire dungeon. It resets after you leave to the world map. Video example.

Total Annihilation Bug Total Annihilation is the name of a saved game corruption bug that allows you to beat the game in under 10 minutes. It is currently not used or recorded on SRC, you can find an example of it here.

