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Persona 5 Strikers

Persona 5 Strikers is a spin-off of Persona 5 with gameplay elements from the Musou series. Persona 5 Strikers Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Persona 5 Strikers was released worldwide on February 22, 2021.
  2. The first recorded run was done by TatsuyaAct with a time of 5:08:17. He would improve it to a 4:25:29.
  3. On 2024/07/19, Rodillo would set a new record with a time of 4:25:03. He would improve the record to a 4:16:40.
  4. The current world record holder is TatsuyaAct with a time of 4:10:59.



There are subcategories for each platform and Easy and Hard difficulties. Runs in this category are prohibited from gaining any advantages from the All-Out Attack DLC Pack. Legacy BGM DLC is allowed. Use of Turbo (via controller or SteamInput) is allowed.


There are subcategories for each platform and Easy and Merciless difficulties. Runs in this category are prohibited from gaining any advantages from the All-Out Attack DLC Pack. Legacy BGM DLC is allowed. Use of Turbo (via controller or SteamInput) is allowed.

Glitches & Tricks
