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Devil Children - Puzzle de Call

Devil Children Puzzle de Call is one of the first Devil Children spin-offs. The gameplay is that of Puzzle Boy, with 5 worlds for each of the protagonists. The game also has a Puzzle mode, which offers 10 levels for difficulties Easy, Normal and Hard, which are the same levels as the ones in Amazing Tater, as well as a demon compendium. Devil Children: Puzzle de Call Box Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Devil Children - Puzzle de Call! was released in Japan on July 27, 2003.
  2. The first ever available recorded RTA speedrun of Rand Route was uploaded on 2021/05/21 by Symm with a time of 16:31.
  3. The current world record is held by Symm uploaded on 2021/05/28 by Symm with a time of 13:38


Story Mode - Rand

Complete Rand’s path of the Story Mode as quickly as possible.

Story Mode - Gale

Complete Gale’s path of the Story Mode as quickly as possible.

Puzzle Mode - Easy

Complete all 10 stages on easy mode.

Puzzle Mode - Normal

Complete all 10 stages on normal mode.

Puzzle Mode - Hard

Complete all 10 stages on hard mode.