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Last Bible 3

Last Bible 3 is the sequel to Last Bible 2, having moved out of handheld consoles to the SNES. The game has a wide cast of characters that the player uses and the attack system is slightly revamped.. Last Bible 3 Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Last Bible 3 was released in North America on March 4th, 1995.
  2. The first ever recorded speedrun and, to this day, the current world record, was done by sioneus, uploaded on 2022/03/16, with a time of 5:39:58.



Complete the game as fast as possible. In-battle debug menu usage is allowed except in story-progressing boss fights.


Glitches & Tricks

MP Cheat

How to reproduce it:

  • During any battle, press the Start button and the battle menu will change to a menu with three numbers. This is the i-battle debug menu.

  • To close it, press the Start button again.


Each of the numbers can be changed.

  • By pressing the A Button the first number is increased and by pressing B it’s decreased. This number represents each of the attack effects in the game. By pressing X on a number, you can see the attack animation for the spell with that ID.
  • By pressing the Up button, the second number is increased, and decreased with the Down button. This number represents the ID of every random encounter, including every boss fight. By pressing X on a number, you can change the current random encounter to whichever one’s ID is selected.
  • By pressing the Left button,the third number is increased and by pressing the Right number, it is decreased. This number represents the battle background. On pressing X, you can change the background to whichever one is selected.

The demon of ID 440, whose name is japanese is [うりね], transliterated to [URINE], can be recruited and can one-shot most fights due to being lvl 159 and having bugged stats.

