Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers is the second entry in the Devil Summoner series.
Speedrun History
- Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers was released in Japan on August 30, 2012 and worldwide by September 26, 2013.
- The first ever recorded run was on 2022/02/23 by ToxicTT with a time of 2:53:05
- On 2023/02/16, sioneus claimed the world record with a time of 2:49:57.
- Soon after on 2023/02/25, ToxicTT evilly reclaimed the world record with a time of 2:28:16, holding the emulator world record as well with a time of 2:26:00.
- Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers was released in Japan on April 8, 1999.
- The first recorded run was done by ZAKO with a time of 5:35:27.
- Runner Clive developed a run with RNG manipulation and achieved a new world record of 4:47:26
- Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers was released in Japan on November 13, 1997.
- The current world record is 7:15:54 by Ucchare.
New Game Ending
Main category, beat the game achieving the only ending available during first playthrough. Use of “Hack” features exclusive to 3DS version is allowed.
New Game+ Ending
Category where you beat the game and achieve the ending that is only available in NG+ playthrough. Use of “Hack” features exclusive to 3DS version is allowed.
Extra Game
Beat the Extra dungeon and it’s bosses.
Glitches & Tricks
Difficulty change
3DS-exclusive “Hack” feature that allows you to increase or decrease the damage enemies deal to you.
It can be used to reflect more damage back at them when using mirrors in the boss fight.
PS1 Manip
Used to make boss fights more consistent.
If you save in front of the door, reset the game and load the save, the upcoming boss fight should go according to the certain scenario.
That allows you to kill the boss with the tools you have while being severely underleveled.