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Persona 3 FES

Persona 3 FES is the re-release of the third mainline entry in the persona series. It has way too many versions. Persona 3 FES Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES was released in Japan on April 19, 2007.
  2. The first recorded run was done by newby24 with a time of 43:49:01.
  3. 1 year later, on 2018/07/31, Darkkefka beat the world record with a time of 23:12:09
  4. On 2020/05/24, Keeanolookalike brought the time down further to 21:55:03
  5. On 2021/10/23, Darkkefka set a new record with a time of 20:17:44
  6. On 2022/09/04, TatsuyaAct achieved the first sub 20h with a time of 19:50:47
  7. On 2023/02/26, Fenr1r79 set a new record with a time of 19:26:33
  8. The current world record holder is Darkkefka with a time of 19:23:14


The Journey, Hard - Great Seal

The Journey, Hard - True Ending

The Answer

NG+ True Ending
