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Shin Megami Tensei IV

Shin Megami Tensei IV is one of the cool Shin Megami Tensei games. Shin Megami Tensei IV  Cover

Speedrun History

  1. The first recorded run was done on 2015/12/31 which completed the Nihilism Ending with a time of 5:45:15. The runner’s account is now deleted.
  2. The earliest recorded Neutral Ending run was done by ChampionBeef on 2016/08/02 with a time of [12:09:11]. He improved the run to a sub 10h time after a month.
  3. Koolzo nearly a year later, on 2017/08/14, started working on his own route and achieved a time of 9:25:55. He would continue to work and help with the SMT IV community to this day.
  4. Prominent megaten runner PinkPajamas picked up the game and on 2019/06/25 managed to achieve a time of 8:26:58 with his own route.
  5. Koolzo would come back to the game and 16 days later, on 2019/07/11 reclaimed the world record. He would go on to achieved the first sub 8h time, with his run of [7:49:57] which he soon improved to 7:38:12.
  6. On 2021/02/19, Freedom_Pulse claimed the world record with a time of [7:32:56], further pushing it down a month later to 7:18:31s.
  7. Koolzo achieved the first sub 7h time on 2021/04/28 with a time of 6:51:01.
  8. The current world record for the Neutral Ending is held by Freedom_Pulse with a time of 6:40:27.



Complete the game. There is a subcategory for each ending.


