Devil Children Black Book & Red Book are the first two games in the Devil Children series.
Speedrun History
- Devil Children: Red Book and Black Book were released in Japan on November 17, 2000.
- The current world record is held by ゲームサーファー uploaded on 2019/06/12 with a time of 2:40:33.
- Devil Children: Red Book and Black Book were released in Japan on March 28, 2002.
- The first known speedrun of Red Book was done by otogitune on 2019/09/16 with a time of 1:43:51.
- The current world record is held by otogitune with a time of 1:30:26.
- Devil Children: Red Book and Black Book were released in Japan on November 17, 2000.
- Devil Children: Red Book and Black Book were released in Japan on March 28, 2002.
- The current world record is held by sioneus with a time of 1:53:55 uploaded on 2021/08/25
Red Book(GBC)
Complete any ending of the GBC version of DC: Red Book as fast as possible. 2-player features via the GameBoy Link Cable are banned.
Black Book(GBC
Complete any ending of the GBC version of DC: Black Book as fast as possible. 2-player features via the GameBoy Link Cable are banned.
Red Book(PSX)
Complete any ending of the PSX version of DC: Red Book as fast as possible. Casino manip is allowed.
Black Book(PSX)
Complete any ending of the PSX version of DC: Black Book as fast as possible. Casino manip is allowed.
Glitches and Tricks
Casino Manip
It was discovered that the Casino can be manipulated in the PS1 version. By saving in front of the counter for Big or Small and reloading, the sequence of numbers reproduced is always the same. This has also been tested in the downloadable version available in the Playstation Store. The winning sequence is “small, small, big, big, small, big, big, big, small, big, small, small, big” - this will grant more than enough coins for the run.