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Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible 2

Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible 2 is the sequel to Last Bible 1, improving on the previous entry's gameplay with different negotiation mechanics and a new moon cycle feature.. Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible 2 Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible 2 was released in North America on April 16, 1999.
  2. The first ever recorded speedrun and, to this day, the current world record,was done by futarime, uploaded on 2012/04/14, with a time of 1:38:29.


Any% - GB

Any% - GBC

Glitches & Tricks

MP Cheat

When selecting “attack” while selecting a certain character’s action, hold select to have that character use its strongest attack without using MP - also works with demons. To have this happen during AUTO, hold “select” when choosing “AUTO”.

