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Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE s a crossover between Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei franchise and Nintendo's Fire Emblem series, despite showing no particular features of either series, other than spell names. Tokyo Mirage Sessions Cover

Speedrun History

  1. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was released in Japan on December 26, 2015.
  2. The first recorded speedrun was done by O-den on 2017/05/03 with a time of 11:12:55
  3. On 2018/04/29 legrandgrand improved the world record to a time of 11:15:36 with improvements on HeroMystic’s route.
  4. On 2018/05/06, HeroMystic took back the world record with a time of 10:30:45.
  5. 0n 2018/05/09, legrandgrand reclaimed the world record with a time of **9:12:15.
  6. The current world record is 8:52:42 held by legrandgrand.


Hard, NG

Easy, NG

Normal, NG+

Lunatic, NG (Best END)

Start a new game file on Lunatic Difficulty and obtain the Director Outfit for Itsuki by clearing all side stories (best ending).

