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DemiKids - Light and Dark Version

DemiKids Dark and Light versions were the first of the Devil Children games localized in English and released in NA. These are the second generation of Devil Children, with new protagonists and new mechanics, such as Relic Fusion and three-demon parties. Devil Children: Dark Version Box Cover

Speedrun History

  1. DemiKids: Light Version was released in Japan on November 15, 2002.
  2. The first ever available recorded run was done by fatkid on 17/10/2018 with a time of 3:38:02.
  3. On 2019/03/17, fatkid improved the world record to a time of 2:39:52 with route improvements.
  4. On 2022/02/24, sioneus improved the world record by 44 seconds with a time of 2:39:18.
  5. With a new route that cut out grinding and extra recruitments, on 2024/08/18 sioneus improved the world record to a time of 2:07:14.


Dark Version

Get to the credits of Dark Version as fast as possible. Skips can be used.

Light Version

Get to the credits of Light Version as fast as possible. Skips can be used.

Glitches and Tricks

Guard Skip

The guard that blocks the way to Avalon can be bypassed by moving diagonally across him. This can be reproduced in both versions of the game and allows the player to access lategame items much earlier than intended. It is also possible to go fight the last boss fight from there at any moment.

Encounter despawn

By pressing select to open the map, the internal encounter counter is reset to zero. By doing so in a rhythm, it is possible to avoid all random encounters.

